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This unmoderated newsgroup will be used for the discussion of the TV show Buffy the Vampire Slayer (currently shown on Channel 7 in different timeslots across Australia), its actors, production staff, the spin off series Angel, stories and related topics including, but not necessarily limited to, Vampire and other horror conventions as used in the series, books, merchandise etc. Discussion of conventions, fanfests, web sites, and other fannish issues pertaining to the series are also appropriate topics. Due to the staggered nature of screenings of Buffy across Australia, discussion of current episodes will be protected by the use of spoiler space until the episodes in question have been seen by the majority of Australia. Crossposting between the proposed group, aus.sf and is discouraged.
The above graph is a moving average of the number of articles posted into per day. The top of the green area counts the number of articles posted in the last 24 hours, whereas the blue line counts the number of articles posted in the last 2 hours, times 12.