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See Also:

ACSEV - Association of Consulting Structural Engineers

Charter of

Consulting Structural Engineering practices are in general small
professional practices with limited resources and a limited circle of
professional contacts. The establishment of this newsgroup will allow
members of the profession to:

* Readily communicate with other members of the profession.
* Seek technical advice or a second opinion from peers.
* Discuss issues related to the running of professional practices.
* Discuss technical issues and new Australian Standards.
* Determine statutory requirements and or practises in the different part
of Australia.
* Coordinate a response to issues or Australian Standards that affect
Consulting Structural Engineers.
* Obtain additional professional resources as required.

Activity graph of (articles posted per day)

Article posting rate graph for

The above graph is a moving average of the number of articles posted into per day. The top of the green area counts the number of articles posted in the last 24 hours, whereas the blue line counts the number of articles posted in the last 2 hours, times 12.

Weekly activity graph

Last 7 days article posting rates for

Monthly activity graph

Last 4 weeks article posting rates for